Day: July 21, 2016

The Okapi Society


Author: RM Lee
66 Pages in Kindle

Published: December 16, 2014
Dates Read: September 2-6, 2015

My Rating: 4 Stars
Book Summary from Amazon:

A fond remembrance of growing up in Miami, Florida during the 1950’s. A boy’s life and the values taught to him by family and friends and the adventures he encountered.

My review in 2015:

I don’t read many short stories, but I personally know the author. So I read it and reviewed it for him.

The Okapi Society is a short story taking place in Miami in the 1950s, this was an enjoyable short story! It definitely had a nostalgic feel to the book, you can tell R M Lee enjoyed telling his story and remembering his life in Miami in the 1950s. It was also inspirational. You connect quickly with the characters.

This was a very enjoyable read. It is recommended. Give an unknown author a shot!