Perfect Imperfections
Author: Taryn Leigh
Published: March 29, 2017
289 pages in Paperback
Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: October 14-29, 2017
Jessica’s Rating: 5 stars
Book Description from Amazon:
Sarah Lewis desires nothing more than to begin again after a failed marriage and a tragedy so terrifying, it forces her to leave her life in London to stay with her best friend a world apart in South Africa.
Despite immediate success in her business, she struggles to understand who she really is and where she belongs in the world. So begins a journey of discovery as Sarah re-unites with Katy in the land where she was born, where the air is lavender scented, and weekends are spent cycling on the beach.
Until the day when she has to return to London to face the ghosts of her past and confront a situation that has grown more complicated in her absence.
Perfect Imperfections is an intriguing tale which hints at wrongdoings and deceit without giving too much away. The author cleverly weaves a tale around fragile yet strong Sarah as she tries to reconcile her past with her future, engaging the reader to the point where we simply want the best for her and for happiness finally to come her way.
Jessica’s Review:
Perfect Imperfections is Taryn Leigh’s debut novel and it is a mix of mystery and adventure with some romance.
Sarah Lewis has experienced something that many people never go through and she is a broken woman at the beginning of the novel. Taryn Leigh pulls you in from the start as we go on this journey with Sarah. You grow to care for Sarah as the novel progresses and once we learn what she experienced your heart can only do one thing: break for her pain and loss.
Perfect Imperfections is a beautifully written yet heartbreaking novel. It also deals with long term friendship, love, and hope. As the novel progresses we see how Sarah grows from being a very broken woman to who she becomes at the end.
Perfect Imperfections is one you don’t want to put down and the further you get into it, the more you don’t want to stop. I wanted more story with the last few chapters as I felt the story can continue and I hope Taryn beings us back into Sarah’s life. I would love to see the next chapter in her life!
I found myself wondering about the cover and the title when I started the book. As you read the novel you understand the meaning behind everything and I love it!!
This is one that everyone should read. Perfect Imperfections is recommended.
Many thanks to Taryn Leigh and her publisher Olympia Publishers for the copy I was sent. It was a pleasure to read. I just wish it had not taken me so long to read it, but the wait was worth it!
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This picture and its meaning will mean more to those who have read Perfect Imperfections. This is more than just a picture of the novel and a toy giraffe. The giraffe was my dog’s favorite toy. She passed away nearly 2.5 years ago and this was one thing of the things I wanted to keep as a reminder of her. There is a lot more meaning for now after reading Perfect Imperfections.
RIP baby girl! 6/2005-6/2015