A Good Idea by Cristina Moracho
Author: Cristina Moracho
Published: February 28, 2017
384 Pages
Reviewed By:Kim
Kim’s Rating: 3 stars
Book Description:
Can the right kind of boy get away with killing the wrong kind of girl?
Fin and Betty’s close friendship survived Fin’s ninth-grade move from their coastal Maine town to Manhattan. Calls, letters, and summer visits continued to bind them together, and in the fall of their senior year, they both applied to NYU, planning to reunite for good as roommates.
Then Betty disappears. Her ex-boyfriend Calder admits to drowning her, but his confession is thrown out, and soon the entire town believes he was coerced and Betty has simply run away. Fin knows the truth, and she returns to Williston for one final summer, determined to get justice for her friend, even if it means putting her loved ones—and herself—at risk.
But Williston is a town full of secrets, where a delicate framework holds everything together, and Fin is not the only one with an agenda. How much is she willing to damage to get her revenge and learn the truth about Betty’s disappearance, which is more complicated than she ever imagined—and infinitely more devastating?
Kim’s Review:
I wanted so badly to love this book . . . c’mon, look at that cover! I wanted a great mystery with a little conspiracy thrown in, but what I got was a predictable story mixed with teenage drama. I understand Fin’s passion and her need to discover the truth, but sadly, adding Serena into the story brings Fin down to a self-righteous teenager who thinks she knows everything and that everyone else knows nothing. The story had so much potential, but then predictability sets in and amateur philosophizing starts. The mystery was solved halfway through the book and the rest was a lot of unnecessary junk. Honestly, had the book followed the town’s drug use as the main storyline, it would have been so much better. I enjoyed reading the book, but I can’t give it any higher than 3 stars. This is not a book for teens, due to some very adult content. I’d recommend this to anyone looking for an easy read with a little intrigue.
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