Blogger Recognition Award

Thank you so much to Gemma Gaskarth , Tracy Fenton, and Emma Mitchell for my nominations! They are both great ladies with fabulous blogs! Gemma’s blog just turned one year old and Tracy’s blog is newer, but she is the Queen of TBConFB. Emma is awesome and I have really enjoyed working with her on blog tours!  I’m currently dealing with kidney stones, so this triple nomination was very much welcome for me and I was shocked to receive not one, but three nominations!!

Here are links to their blogs:

Here is why I started my blog:

About a year ago I became admin of the Bookies Facebook page where I started a “Weekly Wonder” post. This was a review of a book that I liked or did not like. From there I started actually writing my reviews on Goodreads. In the past I had just given ratings on the books I read, but very occasionally I did actually write a review. From there I decided I wanted to start my own site and my husband got me set up with it. I started it for me first and I am having fun doing it. Yes, my blog does not have a huge following, and that is ok, though I would love to have some more followers. If you haven’t yet followed my blog, please do!

Two pieces of advice to new bloggers:

1. Use social media! Get connected to other bloggers, authors, and more! Use Goodreads, Twitter, and Facebook. Most bloggers out there are nice and helpful. Social media is a great way to get connected and you can end up with some good friends out there (especially in other countries: I am in America and have ‘met’ many from the UK and several of them I consider friends now)!

2. If you use NetGalley do not go ‘request crazy’ as you may end up with too many books you need to review. You will eventually be contacted by authors and publishers through your site. Do not feel bad having to say ‘no’ on reading a book for review. Blogging takes up a lot of time and most of us work full time jobs and have families, so you do not want to feel overwhelmed by what you are doing for fun.

And now I get to nominate 15 bloggers!:

1. Arleigh Johnson:

2. Lauren at:

3. Nicki Maguire:

4. Betty Capshaw:

5. Drew Weldon:

6. Lorraine Rugman:

7. Chelsea Humphrey

8. Ezi and Tamika at

9. Carla Johnson-Hicks

10. Megan at

11. TJ at

12. Liz Wiley

13. Emma at

14. Jacqueline Leech

15. Joyce at

Being nominated means I have to oblige to certain rules:
1) Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2) Write a post to show your award.
3) Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4) Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5) Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
6) Let your 15 bloggers know you have nominated them with a link to the post you have created.