Book Review: Fallout by Wil Mara
Author: Wil Mara
Published: April 25, 2017
288 Pages
Reviewed By: Kim
Kim’s Rating: 3 stars
Book Description:
Silver Lake, Pennsylvania, is hit by a monster storm. When a massive lightning strike hits one of the nuclear reactors that provides power to Silver Lake and much of the state, essential components fail. Explosions and containment breaches follow. Radiation pours into the storm-wracked air.
Preparing for a storm was one thing, but all the duct tape, plastic tarps, and particle board in the world won’t protect the townspeople from the fallout. Sarah Redmond, acting mayor of Silver Lake, and her husband, an EMT, find themselves battling the storm and nuclear disaster simultaneously: flash floods and evacuations, downed trees and radiation sickness.
Staff at the power plant scramble to determine the extent of the damage and stop the leaks. Everything’s being streamed onto the internet by Marla Hollis, a local journalist who happened to be in the right place at the wrong time. Trapped at the plant, she’s determined to get the story out at any cost.
Nuclear disaster, not in far-off Chernobyl or Fukushima, but on American soil. How much of Pennsylvania will become a radioactive nightmare for generations to come?
Kim’s Review:
I’m officially terrified of radiation. All that radiation, contained in that nuclear core and so little separating it from the population. This book had me in anxious fits through the whole thing!! I kept having to calm myself down by telling me that we’re nowhere near a nuclear power plant. So I was enjoying being scared and working myself up … but there are only 3 stars up there. The ending. How can a book be so great and then ruined by a sucky ending!! I wish I could go into way more detail, but I can’t because I don’t want to give anything away!! I’m sure y’all can imagine what it would take to reduce a 5 star rating to a 3, so I’ll let y’all ponder. I just wish I could say that I loved this book because 90% was awesome!
I’d definitely recommend this book to most people, it’s scary because it’s so possible, yet safe, because it’s so improbable.
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