Book Review: God’s Blogs: Life from God’s Perspective by Lanny Donoho

God’s Blogs: Life from God’s Perspective
Author: Lanny Donoho
Published:  June 1, 2005
256 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read:  April 29, 2021- May 1, 2021
Jessica’s Rating: 4 stars     

Book Description:

How would you feel if you thought God wrote a personal note to you…on His website…and it was about some of the stuff that makes you wonder if He really exists at all? This book does make you feel…while it makes you think. Maybe God isn’t who we thought He was. Maybe His thoughts aren’t what we have been taught. “God’s Blogs” contains some insightful, fresh thoughts that help us see more of God’s character, His love, and His grace as He reflects on marriage, death, laughter, dads, and questions like “Why are we here?” and, “What about tsunamis and poverty?” A fascinating read that will make you laugh and cry and search your own thoughts about who He is.

What Might God Say on His Blogsite?

Basically I’m entering into your blogdom because “somehow the rumor got started that I was kind of boring. “For those of you who bought into that craziness, you should know that I’m the one who created all the stuff you love…all the stuff that makes life exciting.

I invented funny and laughter.
I created adventure and romance…
I laugh a lot.

Jessica’s Review:

God’s Blogs is a book that can be read again and again.  It shows us If God had a blog what might he say?  And the author Lanny Donoho gives his interpretation of that blog, though the blog is in book format in this case.

This is a book I picked up at a local used book store several years back, but finally got the chance to pick up and I am glad I did!  Yes, I did pick it up because of the title, flipped through the pages in the store and saw that it would be a quick read.  But it is more than just a quick read, it gives lots of humor and entertainment (just look at the table of contents), is  an easy read,  is relevant, and the format is as if you are reading someone’s blog: various use of fonts, drawing, notes, and also long and short posts.

There is a lot of humor throughout the book, but serious topics are also discussed. The short chapters make it hard to put the book down and it also leaves you thinking. This book is published by the Christian publisher Multnomah. I can see myself picking this book up again from time to time just to be refreshed in what God did and still does for us. 

God’s Blogs is highly recommended.

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