Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris
Author: B.A. Paris
To Be Published: June 19, 2018
304 pages
Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: May 20-30, 2018
Jessica’s Rating: 4 stars
Book Description:
A young British couple are driving through France on holiday when they stop for gas. He runs in to pay, she stays in the car. When he returns her car door has been left open, but she’s not inside. No one ever sees her again.
Ten years later he’s engaged to be married; he’s happy, and his past is only a tiny part his life now. Until he comes home from work and finds his new wife-to-be is sitting on their sofa. She’s turning something over in her fingers, holding it up to the light. Something that would have no worth to anyone else, something only he and she would know about because his wife is the sister of his missing first love.
As more and more questions are raised, their marriage becomes strained. Has his first love somehow come back to him after all this time? Or is the person who took her playing games with his mind?
Jessica’s Review:
Bring Me Back is B.A. Paris’ third novel and after reading all three I can say this: I am a fan of hers! I look forward to her fourth novel that is due to come out next year. In Bring Me Back the chapters are short, we have multiple narrators, and an intriguing storyline: It’s everything I want in a thriller!
Unlike her previous two novels, her main narrator Finn is a man. This was a surprise as Paris’ other two novel’s narrators are women. Despite all his secrets I liked Finn and wanted to know what was going to happen next. Bring Me Back is a novel you do not want to put down.
With the thrillers I read, I like to NOT figure out what the twist is going to be. I love the feeling when the twist occurs and your mind is blown with an OMG moment. I did figure out the twist in Bring Me Back very early on: It was very obvious to me. I could see the clues over the course of the entire novel. Despite figuring out this twist, I was eager to see how it would play out. I ‘sat back and enjoyed the ride’ as I went on while reading.
The epilogue truly had my attention. There is a true sadness with the ending. I really enjoyed Bring Me Back. If you enjoy a good thriller and have not read any by B.A. Paris, you need to go out and get her novels now!
Bring me Back is highly recommended!
Special thanks to St Martin’s Press for my arc copy. It was a pleasure to read and review! Please keep bringing us more of Paris’ novels!