Corrupted by Lisa Scottoline
Author: Lisa Scottoline
Published: October 27, 2015
Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: January 24-29, 2019
Jessica’s Rating: 4.5 stars
Book Description:
Bennie Rosato the founder of the Rosato & DiNunzio law firm hides her big heart beneath her tough-as-nails exterior and she doesn’t like to fail. Now, a case from her past shows her how differently things might have turned out. Thirteen years ago, Bennie Rosato took on Jason Leftavick, a twelve-year-old boy who was sent to a juvenile detention center after fighting a class bully. Bennie couldn’t free Jason, and to this day it’s the case that haunts her. Jason has grown up in and out of juvenile prison, and his adulthood hasn’t been any easier. Bennie no longer represents those accused of murder, but when Jason is indicted for killing the same bully he fought with as a kid, she sees no choice but to represent him. She doesn’t know whether or not to believe his claims of innocence, but she knows she owes him for past failures–of the law, of the juvenile justice system, and of herself. Forced to relive the darkest period of her life, Bennie will do everything in her power to get the truth, and justice.
Jessica’s Review:
As I have mentioned in previous reviews, I have become a big fan of Lisa Scottoline and the Rosato & Dinunzio series. I have just been reading them out of order. (Not of my own choosing, it was ignorance of not knowing the first one that I read was the fourth in the series…) Now I am all caught up and have read all of the books in this series. Corrupted focuses on the enigma that is the boss-lady herself: Ms.Bennie Rosato, and I can say I saved the best for last. I finally know about Bennie’s life!.
Corrupted starts in present day with Bennie receiving a phone call from a former client who now faces a murder charge. Though she doesn’t take murder cases, she feels that she MUST take on this case because of her past failings with the client, Jason Leftavick.
Corrupted takes us back in time when Jason was a twelve year old dealing with a class bully situation that gets out of hand and Bennie takes on his case. Again, having read this series out of order I know what will happen and was enjoying knowing Bennie’s ‘future’ and wondered how this novel was going to end. There was a huge secret that Bennie has that no one knows that left me with my mouth dropped! When the ‘past’ case ends and we go back to present day I couldn’t help but root for Bennie and Jason to win their case. I had no idea how this case was going to conclude and the way it does end is shocking! It was also a bit unbelievable, but I still really enjoyed it! Due to the unbelieve-ability my rating was 4.5 stars.
The books in this series can all be treated as standalones and therefore can be read out of order and you won’t lose anything by doing that, but I would say read it in order as that is how it is meant to be read.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this series and look forward to future installments that Ms. Scottoline writes. There is an 11 book series that comes before this one called Rosato & Associates that I must read! Here’s to hoping my library system offers it on audio!
Corrupted is highly recommended!
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