Dan Klefstad’s “Fiona Stories” Podcasts with the Rockford Writers’ Guild

Today I am reviewing something a little different: Podcasts! The podcasts are Guildy Pleasures by the Rockford Writers’ Guild hosted by Connie Kuntz. I am reviewing the first five episodes which feature author Dan Klefstad and his ‘Fiona Stories’. I have previously reviewed two of these short stories, which I will share the links. This is the perfect time of year to review this podcast as Fiona is….(Spoiler alert)… A VAMPIRE!
‘The Fiona Stories’ is a novel in progress, tentatively titled The Guardian.
Now, these stories were written by an adult, for adults, and Guildy Pleasures is also for…Adults. Fiona is definitely not of the ‘sparkly vampire’ type….
Dan’s five stories that are featured in these podcasts are:
- The Caretaker (my review is here)
- The Interview
- Solstice (my review is here; Kim also reviews The Caretaker and Solstice)
- Wolf at Fiona’s Castle
- Hauptsturmführer Fillennius
These are very well written short stories and I love this world and want to know more of what happens! There is just something about vampires that is fascinating and Fiona definitely is. Every author has their own take on vampires in the world they write, and you will have to listen to these podcasts or read Dan’s short stories to know more.
Dan presents of his stories in these podcasts in his own voice. I always find this wonderful when an author narrates their own work, as they know what has the most importance in their work. Dan captures the characters personalities in these stories. I can’t wait to find out more about Daniel and what will happen with Wolf. And of course Fiona and Soren!
After Dan shares his story in the podcast, he is interviewed by host Connie Kuntz. Here we get to know Dan. I found the interviews as enjoyable as the stories. They speak back and forth with ease.
There are more than just the five ‘Fiona Stories’, but these are all that have been presented in a podcast thus far. In Dark Dossier Magazine’s Halloween issue we get eleven Fiona stories! I personally can not wait to read them and look forward to seeing the finished product whenever that may be.
Now….You just can’t help but wonder… Daniel is the first protagonist that we meet in The Caretaker. Our author is Dan Klefstad…. Are these actually stories or is this autobiographical???? I guess we won’t ever know!!!! 😉
You can search for Guildy Pleasure in the app you use for podcasts. I use Android, so the app I used to download was Google Podcasts. It is also available on iTunes. You can also download Guildy Pleasure through the website.
If you are curious about Dark Dossier’s Halloween issue:
This issue is available now! You can buy the issue here:
Dark Dossier’s Website
Barnes and Noble
**Dan will also be taking over the Bookies Facebook Page this afternoon!** This is a part of the annual Authorber Fest. Dan will be taking over the page from 2-4pm Central/ 3-5pm Eastern: Be sure to give Bookies and Dan a follow! Bookies is here.