Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA. I hope your holiday season is a good one! Enjoy that huge meal we will all eat today, then I suppose shopping comes next for some of you… I’m going to try and enjoy this four day weekend, I hope to get some blogging, reading, relaxing, and maybe catch up on a little tv. But who knows what will actually happen. I can’t sit still much! Too much to do and never enough time!
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! I’ve been dreaming about the turkey sitting my fridge, for weeks now and I’ve been baking up a storm, so I promise you there will be no healthy eating today. Both my and Ivan’s family are coming to my house and I have 4 different bottles of wine to help get thru the day! Ivan is finally off this year and today will be filled with loud conversations, football games, lots of food and lots of napping. And of course, a lot of reflection on all the blessings that have come into my life this year. A special thank you to Jessica for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts and opinions on her blog! Everybody have a great day and hopefully you’ll find some time to relax with whatever book you’re reading!
If you have any suggestions for this site, please send a message and let Kim and I know! We have a great time doing this. We love sharing our love of reading to anyone who will see this site!
And guess what?!?! You guys get a review today! This is today’s review Mothers of Sparta sampler: A Piece of Pie
Book Title: Mothers of Sparta: A Memoir in Pieces
Author: Dawn Davies
Expected Publication Date: January 30, 2018
Date Sample Read: 11/22/17
Some women are born mothers, some achieve motherhood, others have motherhood thrust upon them.
Dawn Davies, a six-foot-tall divorcée, couldn’t care less about anyone’s potty training progress, and doesn’t care to share her own children’s milestones with people who don’t love them. But even if she has never fit in with other moms, she has raised three children with her own particular brand of fierce, unflagging love.
In pieces that cut to the quick, we see Davies grow from a young girl who moves to a new town every couple of years, to a misfit teenager who finds solace in the local music scene, to an adrift twenty-something who summons inner strength as she holds the hand of a dying stranger, to a woman dealing with difficult pregnancies and postpartum depression. And in her powerful titular story, we see Davies struggling with the weight of knowing that her son is deeply troubled.
Mothers of Sparta is not a blow-by-blow of Davies’s life but rather an examination of the exquisite and often painful moments of a life, the moments we look back on and say, That one, that one mattered. Straddling the fence between humor and, well, not humor, Davies has written a book about what it’s like to be a woman trying to carve a place for herself in the world, no matter how unyielding the rock can be.
Jessica’s review:
**Please note that this is not a review of the whole memoir, just the sample that Flatiron Books released.**
Flatiron Books advertised on their Facebook page about the Mothers of Sparta sampler: A Piece of Pie just in time for Thanksgiving. This sampler of Dawn Davies’ upcoming memoir was published on November 21st and is 18 pages long. This is the perfect time for this sampler to be released as it deals with a new mother dealing with her infant’s first Thanksgiving and the chaos that ensues. All she wants to do is bake a pie!
Davies perfectly captured her experience and the story gives people who are not parents an idea of the craziness that new moms go through. I’m sure the parents that read this will laugh and understand where Davies comes from. Flatiron Books accomplished their intention of offering this sample for free: I want to read the rest of this memoir!