Introducing the Readathon: #Diverseathon2021

I am so excited to announce 2021’s year-long read-a-thon: Diverseathon 2021

With the help of some of my bookish friends all across social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr) we will be hosting a different diverse prompt each month to help expand and diversify our tbr. This was all Beccie over at Bookies doing! It was her idea and she set this whole thing up!

Here is Beccie’s announcement video over on YouTube:


The link to all the information is below. You will be able to find all the information on the read-a-thon including what the prompts are, who the hosts are, where you can follow them and even a list of book suggestions if you need help with choosing a book to read!

Some hosts will be offering giveaways as well as one grand prize of $30 gift card to any bookstore + a $30 book box of winner’s choice. To enter for the chance to win the grand prize, follow the link and bookmark the form. Every time you read a book, you can enter. Like I always say: You can’t win if you don’t enter!

My hosting month will be November: Check out the link to see what my prompt will be!

All about #Diversathon2021
Here is how to enter the Grand Prize Giveaway

Please let me know if you are going to participate. It can be one month, just a few months, or all year! This is a very chill read-a-thon.  You can read one book per prompt or 50!

Who’s joining us in #Diverseathon2021??