It’s my Birthday!

It’s my birthday and I am 39 today!  How did that happen?!?!? At least I am off: It’s a  3 day weekend for me!!!

The 30’s have a been a good decade, definitely better than the 20’s. Here are just some highlights:

  • Celebrated my 30th with a BIG trip to the Northern USA and Canada
  • I met and married my husband
  • My first big move into my hubby’s house
  • We adopted two twin kitties that are perfect for us
  • I became an admin of the Bookies Facebook page
  • I started this site and am part of the ‘book world’ and have met  a lot of great people
  • I have a current book club who are not just great friends, they are family!

Let’s see how long I can keep up with doing my book reviewing and site.  It takes up nearly all of my free time, but I really enjoy doing it!  It’s all about the book love! 

Despite some issues going on long-term that will hopefully end soon and with a positive ending,  I will look forward to this last year of my 30’s and seeing what comes next! You never know what God has in store for you. It’s all in HIS plans, and we are all along for the ride.

And I really hope I don’t have issues with reaching the big 4-0 next year… Though right now I think I might…..