Me and Me by Alice Kuipers
Author: Alice Kuipers
Published: October 9, 2018
248 pages
Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: September 14-20, 2018
Jessica’s Rating: 3.5 stars
Book Description:
It’s a perfect day for Lark’s dream date with Alec from school. Blue skies, clear water, a canoe on the lake. Alec even brought flowers for Lark’s birthday. Everything is just right … until they hear screams from the edge of the water.
Annabelle, a little girl Lark used to babysit, is struggling in the reeds. When Lark and Alec dive in to help her, Alec hits his head on a rock. Now Annabelle and Alec are both in trouble, and Lark can only save one of them.
With that split-second decision, Lark’s world is torn in two, leaving her to cope with the consequences of both choices. She lives two lives, two selves. But which is the right life, and which is the real Lark?
Me and Me is about how it feels to be torn in pieces, and how to make two halves whole again. This mind-bending novel from Alice Kuipers, expert chronicler of the teenage heart, explores loss and love, music and parkour, all while navigating the narrow space between fantasy and reality.
Jessica’s Review:
I am not the target demographic for Me and Me. As an adult (though not a mom) I know what my decision would be. But as a teen, I can see how Lark was torn as she could only save one. This would be every teen girl’s nightmare. And Lark lives it; even worse she lives the after effects in two different lives!
I enjoyed the back and forth between the chapters of the two lives Lark ends up leading: The one where she saves Alec, and the one where she saves Annabelle. All of our choices have consequences, positive or negative and this novel shows that in more than just the main decision Lark makes. One decision she made changes everything in her life.
It is not a perfect novel and the characters are not perfect. They all have their issues, as we all do. I can see where going through an event like this would bring you closer to the other person, but I did not really like Alec with some of his actions towards Lark. He came off controlling and pressuring. It seemed almost too intense and almost an ‘instant love’ (IE: Romeo and Juliet.) I did enjoy the Epilogue.
Though not really for me, I would say give Me and Me a read and see what you think of it!
Thank you KCP Loft for my copy!