Short Story Sunday: Mommy, Where Are You?

Author: C.G. Adler
Published: March 21, 2018
26 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Date Read: May 11, 2019
Jessica’s Rating: 4 stars

Book Description:

MOMMY, WHERE ARE YOU? is the touching story of a turtle hatchling who gets lost from her mother and siblings. Tiny Aubree searches to find her mother. She meets several endangered sea turtles on her journey. They tell her who they are. They share information about the species of endangered sea turtle they belong to. They encourage Aubree on her journey to find her mother. Information about several endangered species of sea turtles is presented so children can learn details to help save the sea turtles.

This is not just a book for children ages 2 to 8. It’s an inspiring family book that puts a smile on children’s faces while teaching us how to help the endangered sea turtles. Kids books are often inspiring, but this one will stay quite long in your memory due to:
– An enchanting children’s story
– Beautiful illustrations
– Amazing character artwork
– information about turtles

Jessica’s Review:

I thought this review would be perfect to share today as it is Mother’s Day:

This was a fun and short children’s book about Aubree the hatchling.  She gets left behind by her brothers and sisters.  Then she decides to try to find her mommy. Aubree goes on an adventure meeting other turtles and creatures.  She finds out the differences between her and the other turtles in a fun way that educates children.  There are also some fun facts at the back of the book that tells us about turtles.  I really liked the photo of the ‘real’ hatchlings, this way children can see how small they really are! 

The illustrations are very colorful and enhance the story. This is a good introduction to turtle for kids. If you child is a little older and likes turtles, they will enjoy this story as well!

 I would say this would be good for ages three and up as two may still be a little young. Even though this is not a realistic story as turtles lay the eggs then leave the nest, but it helps children to realize that their parents will never leave them.

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