Short Story Sunday: Still Born by The Behrg

Still Born
Author: The Behrg
Published: October 13, 2014
38 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Date Read: November 11, 2019
Jessica’s Rating: 4 stars

Short Story Description:

A grieving couple coping with the unimaginable loss of their child being stillborn discover a disturbing anomaly. They can hear their deceased daughter through a baby monitor.

But is it really their daughter they are listening to?
And if so, who are the other voices coming through on the monitor?

As this couple is about to discover, not all second chances are meant to be taken.

Jessica’s Review:

**I must first say anyone who has experienced a miscarriage, still birth, or lost an infant child should not read this short story.**

This short story is true psychological horror as it would be every parent’s worst nightmare. Sam and Joel’s heartache over their loss feels 100% real. Then they start hearing things through the baby monitor they don’t need anymore. This includes a crying baby. Thus begins a descent into despair, confusion, and more.

This one is free on Amazon for those in the USA if you wish to pick it up (99p in the UK).

Purchase Links:
Amazon US
Amazon UK