Tag: giveaways

Final Giveaway! It’s International Too!

This is the final giveaway that I am having to celebrate my blog’s first blogiversary! I’m hoping for many more to come. This one is INTERNATIONAL as well.

What will you win?
If you are international: You can select up to $15 in books at Book Depository.
If you are US: You can select up to $15 in books from Book Depository OR Amazon.
**Keep in mind that Book Depository is located in the UK so you must allow plenty of time for your books to arrive.

*Amazon and Book Depository are not responsible for this giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**This giveaway ends Friday the 4th at 11:59 EST.

Whether you have been a part of my page from the beginning or you are a new subscriber THANK YOU!  Have fun entering and GOOD LUCK!

The Winner Is…

Congrats to Lea J you have won a book of your choice up to $15 from Book Depository. I have already emailed you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you to everyone who participated and don’t worry I am planning on more giveaways next month once I reach my one year blog birthday! It will be here before you know it.


Have a good evening everyone!



100+ Subscribers = International GIVEAWAY!

My blog is far from being a ‘big blog’ and I am fine with that. I started Jessica’s Reading Room for me first and  I am having so much fun.  It’s hard to believe this, but next month will be my blog’s first birthday! I can’t wait for that and I hope to do more giveaways then.

I don’t usually focus on how many email subscribers I have, but this week I saw I was in the mid-90s (my Twitter has around 340 followers, and Instagram has almost 200 followers). I decided that once I got to just over 100 subscribers I would do my first giveaway!

So what am I giving away? A book of your choice(*up to a $15 value)!  This will be an international giveaway, so if you are in the US your book will come from Amazon or Book Depository(your choice depending on what book you want) and if you are outside of the US your book will come from Book Depository.

I have come to really like Book Depository for several reasons:

  1. They ship worldwide for free!
  2. Their prices can be cheaper than Amazon
  3. You usually get the UK covers since that is where they are based (which I tend to prefer)
  4. Sometimes a book is available through them that you can’t get in the US

The only ‘negatives’ about Book Depository is that it seems to take about two weeks to receive your order, and sometimes if you order multiple books they are shipped separately. Book Depository receives 4.5 stars from me and is recommended! (Ok, I couldn’t help that 😉 )

This seems like a good time to ask, and hopefully people will answer, but what do you like about my site? What could I do better? Do you have any suggestions on things I could do? Do you like the First Line Friday and Standalone Sunday?  I would love some input!

Without further delay, here is the contest for the giveaway! First of all you must subscribe to my blog, other entries are optional:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The giveaway starts at midnight Saturday morning (June 3rd) Eastern Daylight Timewill run until midnight Monday morning (June 5th) Eastern Daylight Time.   This is why this post is that early.  I want everyone to have the chance to enter and WIN! I will announce the winner more than likely Monday evening due to that pesky full time job I have.  Gotta make a living since I can’t get paid to do this (as much as I would love to!).

**Please be sure when you subscribe to this site that you receive the confirmation email and confirm your subscription or your entries will not count! You must be a verified subscriber first.

Now, you may wonder why the Bookies Facebook page is mentioned in the giveaway. Well, that is where I got my start with reviewing. In February of 2016, I became the third admin at Bookies.  I began a weekly post called the “Weekly Wonder”. The Weekly Wonder is where I will highlight and review a book of my choosing.  I started doing that and over a few months I wanted to start this site.  Beccie, the creator of Bookies has been awesome with supporting me with my blog and letting me share it there along with anything and everything book related.

I want to give a huge shout out to my husband Morgan who has been very supportive of this blog. He helped set it up, does the hosting of this site, and also helps me by editing my reviews!

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to this blog and who supports it.  I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy posting on it.  Have fun with the contest and GOOD LUCK to everyone!

Lots of Love,


