Heroes and Villains 2016
Heroes and Villains is a convention, similar to Walker Stalker. Actors from various shows such at Arrow, The Flash, Once Upon a Time, and more are there for you to meet! Yes, this IS book related as some of these shows started as graphic novels.
My husband and I wanted to attend Heroes and Villains. We attended yesterday, November 19th. It was in the same location as Walker Stalker (The Georgia World Congress Center). Heroes and Villains was a much smaller scale than Walker Stalker: Not as many actors and vendors. It was a much more relaxed atmosphere and not as many attendees!
The crowd waiting to get in.
We got to meet Bex Taylor-Klaus. She was at Walker Stalker last year and Morgan missed meeting her since he had to work. So we made her our #1 to celebrity to meet.
She has played Bullet in The Killing, Sin in Arrow, and now Audrey in Scream the tv series.
I am so proud of Bex for coming out this past week (as a fan of hers I was not surprised of her sexual orientation). She is a brave young woman to do that. I support her and hope she can be a roll model for others. When I told her that, I could see it affected her as her eyes started to tear up a little. She asked about Morgan’s shirt too! The Birthday Massacre is his favorite band.
Morgan wanted to meet Jack Coleman. He was a nice guy to meet. It looked like we was just doing autographs, but we asked if we could get a photo and he said yes. He has played Noah in Heroes and Bill Forbes in the Vampire Diaries among other roles. He is so tall, I had to be in the middle!
I had to meet James Frain! He has been in Grimm and True Blood. But I loved him as Forney in Where the Heart Is. I totally outed myself to him saying that was my favorite movie in college and I had a huge crush on him. lol: Yep, I went a little fan girl on him… He was really nice. And I love the accent! He is TINY in person.
Merle!! He’s alive!! lol… Morgan really wanted to meet Michael Rooker as he is impossible to meet at Walker Stalker. He is really interactive with the fans. Unfortunately, we ended up being rushed through with him as a VIP got out of line and came back in line right as we went up to him. That kind of sucked…. Oh well….
Rick Cosnett did not have a line, so I got to meet him! He played Eddie Thawne on The Flash and was also in Quantico. He is really nice and a cutie! Morgan chose to not be in the picture since we met him for me.
Neal McDonough! He has been in so many things. Most recently Damien Dahrk in Arrow. He was great to meet! I also had to be in the middle of the pictures. Short problems!!
I got a photo op with David Ramsey. He plays John Diggle in Arrow. I love Diggle! Hopefully, if Heroes and Villains returns next year and he is there I can get him to sign this. It may have been a very quick encounter, but I enjoyed it. And I got a hug!!!