Blog Tour: Isolation Junction (Second Edition)
Today I am one of the stops on the blog tour for the second edition of Isolation Junction by Jennifer Gilmour! And surely by now you all know how much I support her in her endeavor to stopping domestic abuse- We are just on opposite ends of the world…. There is also a giveaway going on to win an e-book copy of this new edition!
First published in 2016, Jennifer has republished a second edition with the changes in Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
This is the republication of Isolation Junction and what a difference it is. A make over with a new book cover, new content, with Pict Publishing, third person only (as opposed to third and first in the first edition) and the incidents in correlating order.
Book Description:
Rose is the mother of two young children, and finds herself living a robotic life with an abusive and controlling husband. While she struggles to maintain a calm front for the sake of her children, inside Rose is dying and trapped in ‘Isolation Junction’.
She runs an online business from home, because Darren won’t let her work outside the house. But through this, she meets other mums and finds courage to attend networking events, while Darren is at work, to promote her business.
It’s at one of these events that Rose meets Tim, a sympathetic, dark-haired stranger who unwittingly becomes an important part of her survival.
After years of emotional abuse, of doubting her future and losing all self-confidence, Rose takes a stand. Finding herself distraught, alone and helpless, Rose wonders how she’ll ever escape with her sanity and her children. With 100 reasons to leave and 1,000 reasons she can’t will she be able to do it? Will Tim help her? And will Rose find peace and the happiness she deserves? Can Rose break free from this spiralling life she so desperately wants to change?
Based on true events.
Buy Isolation Junction:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Isolation Junction: A novel to raise awareness of the unseen side of domestic abuse
Yorkshire mum of three, Jennifer Gilmour, released her first novel in 2016 with the aim of not only raising awareness of the insidious behaviour of domestic abuse which brings hidden misery to so many but of bringing about changes at a national level. A ‘survivor’ herself, Jennifer is well aware that changes to national policies and working practices are needed so that situations in which women (and men) present in emotionally abusive situations are recognised and dealt with appropriately and with compassion. Jennifer believes that particular training needs to be focused on recognising the perpetrators of this behaviour, as often they are very persuasive people who are able to manipulate the services themselves.
Jennifer’s Huffington Post article went into more depth about life after domestic abuse and living with the unseen ‘bruises’. She states that, “This is why it is important that not only are the agencies well equipped to recognise abuse and coercive control but that there is support to protect those at risk as well. I was lucky to be supported by Hull DAP, which takes on medium risk cases as well as high risk cases. In many parts of the UK. This is not the case.”
Jennifer’s book follows the story of Rose who is stuck in an abusive and coercive relationship referred to as Isolation Junction. After years of emotional abuse, the self doubt about her future and the erosion of her confidence, Rose takes a stand. Finding herself alone, penniless and frightened Rose wonders how she will ever escape from the situation to provide a better life for herself and her children. With 100 reasons to leave and 1000 reasons why she perceives she can’t – will she have the courage to do it? And will she find the support to regain control and confidence?
Since the initial publication of Isolation Junction, Jennifer has spoken to many women and men who have related to what she writes about. This lead to publishing a second book Clipped Wings releasing an anthology of survivor stories. Alongside speaking in radio interviews, speaking at events across the UK, hosting a Twitter chat each week and opening a forum; Jennifer continues her advocacy.
The second edition of Isolation Junction is almost like a different book, with a make over, new edit and the events that unfolded through flashbacks are now in correlating order. You feel like you are with Rose every step of her journey. A page turner and a read for a purpose.
About the Author:
Born in the North East, Jennifer is a young, married mum with three children. In addition to being an author, she is an entrepreneur, running a family business from her home-base. Her blog posts have a large readership of other young mums in business.
From an early age, Jennifer has had a passion for writing and started gathering ideas and plot lines from her teenage years. A passionate advocate for women in abusive relationships, she has drawn on her personal experiences to write this first novel. It details the journey of a young woman from the despair of an emotionally abusive and unhappy marriage to develop the confidence to challenge and change her life and to love again.
Contact Jennifer:
Twitter @JenLGilmour
Amazon Profile
Goodreads Author Profile
Huffington Post Blogger Profile
**It’s Time for a Giveaway**
Win a copy of Isolation Junction- eBook
[Top]Cover Reveal: Isolation Junction

Today I am helping in the cover reveal for the new edition of Isolation Junction. Yes, a new edition: in addition to the cover, there will be new content with Pict Publishing. The new edition will be published on October 22nd.
Rose is the mother of two young children, and finds herself living a robotic life with an abusive and controlling husband. While she struggles to maintain a calm front for the sake of her children, inside Rose is dying and trapped in ‘Isolation Junction’.
She runs an online business from home, because Darren won’t let her work outside the house. Through this, she meets other mums and finds courage to attend networking events, while Darren is at work, to promote her business.
It’s at one of these events that Rose meets Tim, a sympathetic, dark-haired stranger who unwittingly becomes an important part of her survival.
After years of emotional abuse, of doubting her future and losing all self-confidence, Rose takes a stand. Finding herself distraught, alone and helpless, Rose wonders how she’ll ever escape with her sanity and her children. With 100 reasons to leave and 1,000 reasons she can’t, will she be able to do it?
Will Tim help her? Will Rose find peace and the happiness she deserves? Can Rose break free from this spiraling life she so desperately wants to change?
What does the new cover look like?????? Keep scrolling to find out!!
Almost there!!!
Here it is:
Buy Isolation Junction:
**Remember, the new edition will be out October 22nd!**
Amazon US
Amazon UK
There will be an online launch party for the new edition of Isolation Junction via Facebook… And YOU are invited! You can get to the Facebook event here.
About the Author:
Born in the North East, I am a young, married mum with three children. I assist in running a family business from my home-base and I have a large readership of other young mums in business for my blog posts.
From an early age I have had a passion for writing and have been gathering ideas and plot lines from my teenage years. A passionate advocate for women in abusive relationships, I have amalgamated and fictionalised other survivors experiences alongside my own to write my first novel detailing the journey of a young woman from the despair of an emotionally abusive and unhappy marriage to develop the confidence to challenge and change her life and to love again. I hope that in reading my debut novel, I will raise awareness of this often hidden and unseen behaviour and empower women in abusive relationships to seek help for themselves and find the confidence to change their lives.
Contact Jennifer:
Amazon Author
Jennifer’s online store
Twitter @jnlgilmour
Instagram @authorjennifergilmour