Book Review: Naomi’s Room by John Aycliffe
Naomi’s Room
Author: John Aycliffe
Published: November 21, 1991
216 Pages
Reviewed By: Kim
Kim’s Rating: 5 stars
Book Description:
Charles and Laura are a young, happily married couple inhabiting the privileged world of Cambridge academia. Brimming with excitement, Charles sets off with his daughter Naomi on a Christmas Eve shopping trip to London. But, by the end of the day, all Charles and his wife have left are cups of tea and police sympathy. For Naomi, their beautiful, angelic only child, has disappeared. Days later her murdered body is discovered.
But is she dead?
In a howling, bumping story of past and present day hell, Jonathan Aycliffe’s haunting psychological masterpiece is guaranteed to make you sink to untold depths of teeth-shaking terror.
Kim’s Review:
First time ever: A book gave me nightmares.
Normally, I’m pretty good about compartmentalizing when I read horror. And even when I don’t, I turn Netflix on and drown out the silence! But this one? I wasn’t even expecting it because the little bit I read was dark, but I wasn’t too freaked out. Then I went to bed and I dreamed some scary stuff! Then I finished the book the next day and stayed pretty creeped out through the whole experience! Naomi’s Room does a great job of mixing paranormal horror with some interesting psychology. I also liked how it wasn’t really implied horror; Aycliffe simply told the story and added a lot of action and description so I wasn’t left guessing at what was going on. The story and character were unique; I felt like I hadn’t read any of it before. Overall, it’s a brilliant book that all horror fans should read!
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