Tag: Lidna Bloodworth

Author Spotlight: Linda Bloodworth

Today I bring you an author spotlight for Linda Bloodworth. She has two novels in A Raven Wing series  that are aimed for adults that deal with very difficult subjects, and not for the younger kiddos. Linda also likes to remain a bit of an enigma, so we have a different kind of author photo for you:

Linda Bloodworth is a writer from Toronto who often has to battle two cats and a dog to find a comfortable writing position. Author of, A Raven’s Touch (2015) and A Raven’s Revenge (2019), Linda has self-published on Amazon and various retail platforms. Writing since she could pick up a pen, Linda enjoys scary tales of the strange and unusual as well as binge-watching Sailor Moon ad nauseam.

A Raven’s Touch

Published: December 25, 2015
354 Pages

Bullied through high school, seventeen-year-old Justice St. Michaels is grateful for the help of her best friend Moira O’Fhey. Their only wish is to graduate high school, leave the sleepy town of Fallingbrook and all that happened behind them. The Heavens have other plans. Between late night sleepwalking and being involved in explosive school fights, nothing seems to make sense. When an unexpected encounter with Darien Raventhorn causes worlds to collide it exposes the truth about Justice’s real identity. To avenge a family death, Justice must embrace her birthright, and slay a demon before all Hell breaks loose.

**Warning**: This book contains bullying, violence, death, and suicide. It is not recommended for those under 16.

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A Raven’s Revenge

Published: October 4, 2019
247 Pages

Hell hath no fury like an angel scorned. Justice St. Michaels is on a mission from God to avenge her parents’ death, even if it means hunting Seliki to the depths of Hell. Justice and her powerful friends won’t back down until His will is done. Can an angel, witch, vampire and elf take on Hell and come out alive?

**Warning**: This book is not intended for audiences under 18, scenes of graphic violence, sexual situations, and implications of child molestation (not shown).

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Twitter: @LindaBloodworth
Instagram @lindabloodworth
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