The Broken Girls
Author: Simone St. James
Published: March 20, 2018
336 Pages
Reviewed By: Kim
Kim’s Rating: 4 stars
Book Description:
Vermont, 1950. There’s a place for the girls whom no one wants–the troublemakers, the illegitimate, the too smart for their own good. It’s called Idlewild Hall. And in the small town where it’s located, there are rumors that the boarding school is haunted. Four roommates bond over their whispered fears, their budding friendship blossoming–until one of them mysteriously disappears. . . .
Vermont, 2014. As much as she’s tried, journalist Fiona Sheridan cannot stop revisiting the events surrounding her older sister’s death. Twenty years ago, her body was found lying in the overgrown fields near the ruins of Idlewild Hall. And though her sister’s boyfriend was tried and convicted of murder, Fiona can’t shake the suspicion that something was never right about the case.
When Fiona discovers that Idlewild Hall is being restored by an anonymous benefactor, she decides to write a story about it. But a shocking discovery during the renovations will link the loss of her sister to secrets that were meant to stay hidden in the past–and a voice that won’t be silenced. . . .
Kim’s Review
The Broken Girls has been on my list for quite some time. My birthday was the perfect excuse to get it, so I did. St. James has this wonderful knack for subtlety that just slides under the radar and then once all the anticipation and creepiness builds up, it hits you and then you have to sleep with the lights on. But first, what drew me in was Idlewild Hall. I wish I had an abandoned, haunted girls school in my town. I’d be there all the time! I liked the students and the bonds they formed with each other, despite their skepticism about life.
St. James weaved so many emotions and situations into the story, that at first, the plot seemed to be all over the place. Then, by the end, everything had unraveled and everything was put in its place and made sense. The present tense story line was interesting and had plenty of twists and turns. My one issue and the reason I gave 4 stars, was Fiona’s obsession over her sister’s death. The problem was that they had already convicted someone for her death and he was in prison, so it wasn’t like there was no closure. It just got tiresome after a while. But other than that, this book was a chilling, emotional read that had me in goosebumps. Every thread was tied and the ending was satisfying and complete. I definitely recommend it!
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