The Ruin of Delicate Things by Beverley Lee
The Ruin of Delicate Things
Author: Beverley Lee
Published: April 7, 2020
342 Pages
Reviewed By: Kim
Kim’s Rating: 3 stars
Book Description:
Barrington Hall is a place of secrets – something Dan Morgan has worked hard to forget. But when a heart-breaking loss brings him back to the place where he spent his childhood summers, Barrington Hall will do what it must to make him remember.
Faye Morgan blames her husband for the death of their teenage son. She doesn’t want to leave the place Toby called home. But after she catches a glimpse of a strange boy in the midnight woods and learns of his connection with Barrington Hall, her need to learn more pulls her further and further into a nightmare world filled with past atrocities and the burning flame of revenge.
A tale of grief and horror, The Ruin of Delicate Things explores how loss can leave a hole inside of us. A hole large enough for anything to crawl into.
Kim’s Review:
I got this book for Christmas and it was the first book I read in 2021! First of all: this cover. I love it! Simple, yet chilling!
Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m the one to read this book. I like a lot about it. I’m good with a slow burn; this was a little too slow but I understood the anticipation. I sensed some metaphorical lesson in the story, and I think I got most of it; the fact that I feel like I missed something makes me sad and actually brought down the reading a little. There were sometimes when the setting and the action actually scared me! Barrington Hall is creepy and I loved it!! But the things that knocked it down to 3 stars are the types of things I just can’t get over as a reader.
The first, I needed to know more about Barrington Hall. I felt like the history behind it didn’t justify the horror that radiated from it. And I reveled in that horror! So I was disappointed when the stories of the original family didn’t rise to the standard of the truly terrifying nature of the hall. The second, I hate hate HATE being left hanging in that incomplete way! I don’t mind open endings, but this one just dropped off the edge of the world!! What happened? Why did it happen? Who the hell was that guy? But it wasn’t resolved!!! DID I MISS SOMETHING??????? And y’all know that when things like that happen, I get all clenchy and anxious and I start grinding my teeth and my stomach twists in knots … and it’s just not good!
I wanted so badly to give this book as many stars as I could, but those things, which I completely acknowledge are my own personal preferences, just brought it all down! But I did very much enjoy the scariness within this story. It definitely scratched my horror itch so I don’t call this a loss by any means. I simply call it “not my favorite, but still enjoyed it”. I would however recommend this to horror lovers who are not me so I can hear their opinions and hopefully catch up on things that I obviously missed!
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