Twenty and Ten

Author: Claire Huchet Bishop
Published: March 30th 1978
76 pages

Reviewed By: Kim
Kim’s Rating: 5 stars

Book Description:

During the German occupation of France, twenty French children were brought to a refuge in the mountains. One day a young man came to their school with a request: Could they take in, and hide, ten Jewish refugee children? Sister Gabriel spoke up. “The Nazis are looking for those children. If we take them we must never let on they are here. Do you understand?” Of course the children understood—but how would they hide them if the Nazis came?

Kim’s Review:

I first had this book read to me all the way back in 5th grade. I loved it then and when I found it on sale at Book Outlet, I got myself a copy, my mother in law a copy, my mom a copy . . . Hey this book will make an awesome Christmas gift for the nieces and nephews this year! Sweet! It’s one of those books that sticks with you. It’s a children’s book, but handles the mature topics of the Holocaust and Nazis in a way that kids will safely understand.

The kids at the school handled the German soldiers better than many others did during WW2. Somehow, they took some of the most annoying kid qualities and twisted them into heroic actions. I have nothing but good things to say about Twenty and Ten and I absolutely recommend it to everyone, especially to any kid, whether they like to read or not. This would be such a great resource for teachers in their classrooms. In a world that shies away from teaching the Holocaust, this is a great foundation for the younger kids to have in preparation for later more mature lessons and conversations.

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