We are Growing!

I am so excited to announce that Jessica’s Reading Room is growing: After deliberating for a while, I have added a Facebook page that both Kim and I will post on! Reviews and more will be posted. This will be a great place to get to know us a little more. The Facebook page will be a companion to this site.
It was created this week and we already have over 100 likes! It will be a ‘learn as we go’ process as we figure out what we want to do with the page. We will be open to any suggestions you can give. Later today I will go live on the page with an introduction to this site, myself, and the page.
Here is the direct link to the Facebook page
We are also here:
Twitter @JessReadingRoom
Kim dixiegurl998
Jessica @Jessica42980
*Kim does a much better job than I do with Instagram since you have to use your phone. I like to do all my work at the computer, so I tend to forget about Instagram. I’m trying!
Please give us a like/Follow/Subscribe. We are both having so much fun doing this and we want you to be part of it!
**Please note that I WILL still be an admin of the Bookies Facebook page. I have been along time fan of the page and an admin for almost two years. I post the Weekly Wonder and Share the Love Saturday features. Bookies creator Beccie and fellow admin Alana have been great these last few months supporting me through some personal things going on in my life. They have also been supportive of this site and are all for this Facebook Page. If you haven’t discovered Bookies, go check us out there!
Bookies basically helped me to ‘get my start’ with reviewing, so it will always have a special part of my heart. I will try and keep the pages separate for the most part, but I am sure that I will mention both from time to time. They are that important to me. <3
Find Bookies here:
Have a great Sunday!! Happy Reading!!!