Day: October 14, 2016

Authorber Fest Part 2

I just want to send a reminder out about the Authorber Fest currently going on the Bookies Facebook Page (which I am an admin)!

We have had fun so far this month and the fun continues! Here is the full list of Author Takeovers:


The times shown are Eastern Standard Time  in the United States.

What is an “Author Takeover?”  An author takeover is where an author controls the Facebook page for two hours and plugs themeselves, their books, whatever they want! There can involve giveaways!! I have already added some books to my neverending TBR (To Be Read) pile!!

I try to “attend” as many takeovers as possible, but I am personally looking forward to these takeovers, and hope to attend at least part of the takeover:

R.E. Carr – 10/15
M.R. Pritchard- 10/17
Aislin Keeley- 10/18- She has been interviewed and her book reviewed on this site.
Shandy Kurth- 10/26- She was featured in an Author Spotlight on this site.
R. Weir- 10/29- I have reviewed one short story and one book on this site. I am currently reading another of his “Jarvis Mann” novels.  I am really enjoying these books.

Please check out the Bookies site here:  Bookies

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