Day: April 16, 2017

Blog Tour: A Conversation with Alice May








Today I am the final stop in a blog tour for Accidental Damage by Alice May. Today I will be interviewing her!

Jessica’s Reading Room(JRR): What is the first book you remember reading or having read to you?

I remember my father reading ‘Swallows and Amazons’ by Arthur Ransome to me, at a very early age. My siblings and I would snuggle up together by the fire and Dad would read aloud. We always begged for ‘just one more chapter please!’

JRR:  That sounds like great family time!  Who is your favorite literary character?

My favourite literary character is Lessa in Anne McCaffrey’s ‘Dragonflight’ because she’s cool and there are dragons. I can’t say anything else without spoilers, but let’s just say I really love dragons. I stumbled across this book at the age of 18. I had a lot of time to kill waiting for someone one day and had the choice between a bookcase full of medical text books and one novel. Not surprisingly I picked the novel and haven’t looked back. I’ve since read every single book Anne McCaffrey has written and there isn’t one that I wouldn’t wholeheartedly recommend.

JRR:  Dragons! I will have to look into that book!  Which book have you always meant to get around to reading, but still not read?

War and Peace by Tolstoy. This is a novel that is regarded as a central work of world literature. I rather think I should have found time to read it. It’s on my to-be-read pile honest!

JRR: Good luck with that one. It seems like not many have read it. If you could only take one book with you on a desert island, which would it be?

I would take ‘The Lord of the Rings’ trilogy – omnibus edition. Or is that cheating? It would certainly keep me going.

JRR:  That’s not cheating, I promise!  😉 What are you currently reading?

I am currently reading Katie Fforde’s new release ‘A Secret Garden’ and I am enjoying it very much. It’s a warm hearted, enjoyable read with a bit of romance thrown in.

JRR:  Who would be at your dream dinner party (alive, dead or fictional)?

I would love to hold a dinner party for Katie Fforde, Trisha Ashley, Anne McCaffrey, J.K. Rowling, H. T. King and Kate Fenton. All are authors whose books have kept me going through the years and I would enjoy cooking up a feast for them to say thank you!

JRR:  Great answers!  What’s the best advice you have ever received?

‘Never ever give up!’ My parents have been instrumental in encouraging me to pick myself up and dust myself off after every setback in life. They are right. Anything is possible, you just sometimes have to believe in yourself, grow a thick skin and get on with it.

JRR: That is great advice! Yay for mom and dad! What’s the worst advice you have ever received?

“Do a French A-level. You’ll be really good at it!” Hmmmm – I passed, but only just!!!

JRR: Who is your hero or heroine (real or fictional)?

Soppiness alert! My Beloved Husband is my hero. Just because!

JRR:  Awww!  Where are you happiest?

I am happiest walking along the beach, whatever the weather, listening to the waves and just ‘being’.

JRR:  Peaceful as long as there are not many people there! Who would you like to star in the film of your life?

Victoria Wood. She was such a talented lady. I have thoroughly enjoyed all her work, especially her poignant portrayal of Ella Last in ‘Housewife 49’.

JRR:  Describe your best ever holiday.

Surfing (I really mean body boarding but I like to pretend I can surf) in Cornwall with my husband and kids. A whole day on the beach followed by chips and a pint of cold lager (lemonade for the kids of course) in the evening is my idea of heaven. Maybe I will take a learn-to-surf course one of these days.

JRR:  That sounds like a good time!  If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

If I could be invisible for a day I would probably sleep if, I am being completely honest. As a busy working mother, I spend my life running from one spinning plate / disaster issue to another. If I was invisible no one would see me just relaxing. Could I be deaf to all the people grumbling that I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing too, please?

JRR: Sure!  If I joined you on your perfect day, what would we be doing?

My perfect day would involve sunshine and good coffee. Probably cake as well! I don’t have terribly high maintenance needs.

JRR: Cake! Can I join you?

**Thank you for your time Alice! I had fun getting to know you! **

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Book Description

If you think the normal school run on a Monday is entertaining you should try doing it from a tent in your back garden surrounded by the jumbled up contents of your entire home. It is vastly more diverting.

Our heroine has survived the sudden collapse of her home – or has she?

Certain events two and a half years ago led her to deliberately destroy an important piece of herself, hiding away all remaining evidence that it ever existed. What happens when she decides to go looking for it?

Does she really deserve to be whole again?

Inspired by a true story, this is an account of one woman’s secret guilt and her journey in search of forgiveness!

Contact Alice:
Twitter @AliceMay_Author