Jessica’s Top 10 of 2020

Well guys, it is December 31st and WE MADE IT! We have just hours until 2020 is over!!! Today we are ending the year with Jessica’s Top 10 of 2020:
10. The Suicide House by Charlie Donlea
This is my first read by Donlea and the second in a series that can be read as standalone books. I REALLY enjoyed this one and I had issues with thrillers this year. My review is here.
9. The Companion by Katie Alender
This is one to read if you enjoy YA and Horror! Like The Suicide House, this one pulls you in from the very first line! My double review with my friend Yami from A Bookworm’s Thoughts is here.
8. Love, Creekwood by Becky Albertalli
I absolutely adore Simon and the gang in this book series. Albertalli did not have to write this book-end of the series, but she did for the fans. And we fans say THANK YOU! My review is here.
7. Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel
This is one that should not have worked for me with my issues with unreliable narrators but I absolutely LOVED it! I read it in 5 days, which for me is great with working full time and running this site (which is like an unpaid part time job that I love!) My review is here.
6. Remember by Shervin Jamali
This is a romance that transcends time/religion and takes you down a path you would never expect to go down! Bravo! My review is here.
5. When by Victoria Laurie
A YA with a teen who has a very unique gift! What would you do if you had the gift that Maddie does? What is her gift? You can see my review here to find out.
4. Inside Voices by Sarah Davis
This is one that I was not expecting to enjoy as much as I did. It has a bit of everything and is my first book that takes place in Alaska. My review is here.
3. My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing
This one was THE THRILLER from me for 2020 and also a debut novel! I cannot wait to see what else Downing comes up with! A couple who has been married for 15 years decides to spice up their marriage… with…. Murder?!?!?!?! Bring it on! My review is here.
2. I Love You Too, Daddy by Shervin Jamali
2020 introduced me to Shervin Jamali and he made my Top 10 twice this year! I honestly thought nothing would beat this one out for my number one read. This is one that just needs to be read and had a lot of personal meaning for me since I lost my father at the age of 19, so it brought out lots of emotions for me. My review is here.
And my Top Read for 2020 is…………
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds
In a year of chaos and race issues, for me this one is fitting that it is my top read of the year. This is exactly what I needed for my 2020. Long Way Down is a very powerful novel that I listened to the audiobook and it MUST be read it that way! I could say more, but just check out my review here. I will definitely be reading more from Jason Reynolds in the future.
Have you read any of these books? If so what did you think? Have you added any of these to your TBR? Let us know!
Kim’s Top 10 of 2020

Well… 2020 is FINALLY winding down and today we share Kim’s Top 10 of 2020! These are in no particular order, since it becomes impossible for her to rank them! Jessica’s Top 10 will be revealed tomorrow:
The Bill Hodges Trilogy by Stephen King
I loved this whole series! The characters were intriguing and the story complete and engaging! My review is here.
Watch Over Me by Nina LaCour
A unique story that kept me enraptured and questioning all the way through! My review is here.
Devil’s Night by Curtis M. Lawson
The perfect horror anthology with something for everyone! My review is here.
In Some Other Life by Jessica Brody
An easy to read story with a relatable lesson and a gorgeous cover! My video review is here.
Munich by Robert Harris
A nitty gritty micro look at history that could have been dull, but wasn’t in the least! My review is here.
Star Trek Memories by William Shatner
An insider look at one of the greatest sci-fi franchises in history! My video review is here.
Dark Halls by Jeff Menapace
A scary horror story that gave me crazy shivers! My review has not posted yet, but will next year. We just ran out of time for this year.
The Same Deep Water As You by Chad Lutzke
An out of my comfort zone story that stuck in my brain and made me feel all kinds of things! My review is here.
Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
A classic story that has stood the test of time! My review is here.
Atonement by Ian McEwan
A bittersweet story of self reflection and regret that kept me turning pages till the very end! My review and movie comparision is here.
Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? Are any of these on your TBR? -Kim (KSF)
Book Review: My Lovely Wife by Samantha Downing
My Lovely Wife
Author: Samantha Downing
Published: March 26, 2019
Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: December 10-18, 2020
Jessica’s Rating: 5 stars
Book Description:
A couple’s fifteen-year marriage has finally gotten too interesting…
Our love story is simple. I met a gorgeous woman. We fell in love. We had kids. We moved to the suburbs. We told each other our biggest dreams, and our darkest secrets. And then we got bored.
We look like a normal couple. We’re your neighbors, the parents of your kid’s friend, the acquaintances you keep meaning to get dinner with.
We all have secrets to keeping a marriage alive.
Ours just happens to be getting away with murder.
Jessica’s Review:
OMG, this was a perfect thriller for me: And just look at the cover for this one!! It is PERFECT! My Lovely Wife is about a couple who decide to spice up their 15 year marriage… by adding murder to the mix. And not just that, getting it blamed on a serial killer who previously got away.
Our narrator is the unnamed husband and oh wow: For being both our protagonist AND antagonist, I was fully invested in this story from the start! To root for our unnamed narrator or hope he and his wife Millicent get caught… You’ll feel both emotions in this intense cat and mouse game. There is a twist I figured out but it is still is quite the roller coaster of a thriller. I have had some issues with sub-par thrillers this year and this one has made up for the other reads I had issues with.
My Lovely Wife is one that the further you get into it while reading, the quicker you will want to read to get to the ending to see what ultimately happens, and… what an ending it is!
I listened to the audiobook and the narrator projected well with the husband but I had issues when he changed his voice around for female characters. I did not like it, but was so intently listening to the story that it did not really take much away for me.
I very highly recommend this one. Go ahead and get on this wild ride of a debut novel from Samantha Downing!
Purchase Links:
Amazon US
Amazon UK