Day: February 12, 2023

Short Story Sunday: Dalma Does Not Die at the End

Dalma Does Not Die at the End
Author: Adam Silvera

Published: October 4, 2022
40 pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Date Read:  January 22, 2023
Jessica’s Rating: 4.5 stars

Jessica’s Review:

Dalma Does Not Die at the End is a short story taking place directly after The First to Die at the End. If you have read They Both Die then you know that Dalma created The Last Friend app where Rufus and Mateo met. Dalma is a main character in First and we see the up and down journey that she goes on to create The Last Friend app over a several years’ time period. 

This short story just did not have as much magic as the two full length novels, I think maybe because no one was going to die? But I enjoyed it to see the app come to creation knowing what she wants to become and actually seeing it in full bloom in First.

This short story comes in the Barnes and Noble exclusive edition of The First to Die at the End.  I wanted this version for the short story, and I just love the cover! Anything Silvera writes in this world I plan on reading!

Purchase Link:
Barnes and Noble Exclusive Edition