Day: July 19, 2023


Who would have thought that Jessica’s Reading Room is SEVEN years old today!

Almost all of my free time is dedicated to blogging and sharing the book love: BUT as long as I still enjoy doing it, that is what matters!  I started my blog for me first and it may not be a blog with a huge following (which I am fine with ) I still do have people looking at what I think and this is great! It’s crazy to think that people actually read about what I have to say about books! I just wish I had more free time to explore the social media side, but working over 40 hours a week with an hour commute one way, really cuts down on the reading time! BUT I do listen to audiobooks in the car!

Here’s the Facebook Page:


Here is the Instagram!

There is a Twitter, but it really isn’t active especially now that posts can’t automatically be shared from the website.

I hope to see you around the Facebook Page and Instagram! Keep reading!