Adorable Fat Girl in Lockdown by Bernice Bloom

Adorable Fat Girl in Lockdown
Author: Bernice Bloom

Published: May 9, 2020
109 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: May 9-11, 2020
Jessica’s Rating: 4 stars

Book Description:

Mary Brown is in lockdown. She’s worn nothing but pyjamas for weeks, and is living on a diet of cake and wine. She’s rarely up before midday and spends her time watching every box set that she can get her hands on. Then: she has an idea… instead of just eating the cake, why doesn’t she judge it? She should organise a World Cup of Cakes.

With Juan, her trusty sidekick, she sets up the competition with meticulous detail, and the whole thing goes viral. Featuring: home dyed hair, talking to potatoes, Piers Morgan, internet shopping, an amorous neighbour, an angry ex-boyfriend and birdwatching. Oh, and loads of cake.

Jessica’s Review:

Mary Brown, the Adorable Fat Girl is back!  This is a series of novels by Bernice Bloom and you can either read the books as standalone novels or read them in the order they were written.  I have read several of them and plan on reading more.  Mary is similar to Bridget Jones (both are even British!) but Mary is actually very overweight.  But she knows it and chooses to live her life the way she wants, and that involves eating! 

This time around Mary and Juan are in 2020 and currently experiencing living life in lockdown due to COVID-19.  She is just living life relaxing as much as she can: getting up midday, staying in pajamas, and eating cake!  All of a sudden she comes up with an idea to create the World Tournament of Cakes and to put it on You Tube. She takes it very seriously and then something unexpected happens: The competition goes viral and before Mary knows it, she and Juan are getting all sorts of attention! 

This is the sort of novella that we all need right now: Something fun to read that leaves you laughing out loud at times and experiencing other fun emotions.  The situations Mary finds herself in are really unexpected.

What cakes are in the World Tournament of Cakes, and ultimately which cake  wins? Will you agree with the winner? You will have to read and find out.

If you haven’t given Bloom’s Adorable Fat Girl series a try, do it!  You will not regret it.  We can all use a laugh right now. 

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