Bad Girls Don’t Die
Author: Katie Alender
Published: April 21, 2009
346 Pages
Reviewed By: Kim
Kim’s Rating: 4 stars
Book Description:
Alexis thought she led a typically dysfunctional high school existence. Dysfunctional like her parents’ marriage; her doll-crazy twelve-year-old sister, Kasey; and even her own anti-social, anti-cheerleader attitude. When a family fight results in some tearful sisterly bonding, Alexis realizes that her life is creeping from dysfunction into danger. Kasey is acting stranger than ever: her blue eyes go green sometimes; she uses old-fashioned language; and she even loses track of chunks of time, claiming to know nothing about her strange behavior. Their old house is changing, too. Doors open and close by themselves; water boils on the unlit stove; and an unplugged air conditioner turns the house cold enough to see their breath in.
Alexis wants to think that it’s all in her head, but soon, what she liked to think of as silly parlor tricks are becoming life-threatening–to her, her family, and to her budding relationship with the class president. Alexis knows she’s the only person who can stop Kasey — but what if that green-eyed girl isn’t even Kasey anymore?
Kim’s Review:
Another series that I didn’t know was a series until I was hooked . . . Just great. But the nice thing is that this first book ended without a cliffhanger, so finishing the series is not time sensitive. I enjoyed this book a lot!
My only real issue was Alexis herself. I find rebellious, lazy teens to be exasperating and obnoxious, especially when they acknowledge their rebelliousness and laziness! Unfortunately, Alexis’s bad attitude was integral to her character so I guess it was unavoidable. That’s my only real problem with this book. I actually really liked the story; I got it, I picked up all the details so I understood what was happening. I thought Kasey was the perfect “villain,” since she wasn’t the greatest chick to begin with, it was an easy throw to nasty, demon possessed girl. Carter was cool, if a little unrealistically perfect. The original story of the little bullied girl fascinated me enough that I definitely want to continue the series. Overall, good book and I look forward to the other books!
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