Children’s Book Review: On That Easter Morning

On That Easter Morning
Author: Elena Pasquali
Illustrator: Alison Jay
Published: January 24, 2020
32 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Date Read: April 10, 2020
Jessica’s Rating: 5 stars

Book Description:

Rediscover the wonder of the first Easter morning…

Alison Jay has illustrated many books for children, and her beautiful paintings are instantly recognisable. In this book see the death and resurrection story of Jesus interpreted in her own unique style, using vignettes, borders and full page art to accompany a sincere retelling of the Easter story.

There are many intriguing people, animals and landscapes to look at along the way, bursting with new details to find with a young child, as you share the story of that special morning.

Jessica’s Review:

On That Easter Morning is aimed for children ages 5 and up and if I had a child that age I would buy them this book: It is a perfect picture book that explains what happened to Jesus on what would become that first Easter. 

This full color/ full page picture novel talks about Passover, Jesus and simplifies the events that led up to his crucifixion and resurrection to where a young child can understand.  It is also not graphic in the telling.  This children’s book covers more than others I have seen as it includes the Last Supper, Judas kissing Jesus’ hand, Peter denying Jesus three times, Pontius Pilate, and Mary Magdalene seeing Jesus after he has risen.

There could be a lot of words on each page, so reading it to your young child would be best. That way they can take in this Easter story by listening to you and by looking at the pictures that also tell the story.

Many thanks to the publisher Lion Children’s Book for granting me a copy to read and review.

Purchase Link:
Amazon US
**I did not see a link on Amazon UK**