#Single: Dating in the 21st Century

#single: Dating in the 21st Century
‘Author’: Lost the Plot

Published: November 1, 2018
170 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Date Read: January 2, 2019

Jessica’s Rating: 1 star

Book Description:
A collection of online dating conversations.

From bad pick-up lines to death threats and awkward sex-capades #single is a hilarious snapshot of some of the most ridiculous real-life online dating conversations.

This book is a must read if you match any of the below criteria:

– You are currently online dating
– You have online dated
– You will online date in your future
– You are a smug couple
– You worry your child is a spinster/bachelor for life
– You like to laugh
– You are a Jewish mother
– You like to breathe and live and stuff

Is it a perfect match? Swipe right (okay, click) and add it to your shopping cart.

Jessica’s Review:

#Single is a very quick read.  There is no introduction to the ‘book’ it just starts with ‘conversations’ and you as the reader have to figure out what is going on. According to the Amazon book description this book is based off the website TinderTuesday.com and as I was researching for my review I found this: the site is not even active anymore- in fact you can purchase the domain name if you wanted!  I also saw there was a Facebook and Twitter page and neither one have been updated in over a year.  Why was this copy and paste conversations put together as a ‘book’ I have no idea.    

Now that is out of the way….  #single gives you an idea of what dating now is like.  And I can say these conversations are…entertaining to read.  I feel for the people that are the recipients of these messages. If you have online dated in the past you will get some entertainment from this book.

This is like a coffee table book of entertainment if you wanted to buy it, but I would not recommend.  This is one you may want to read while you are in a waiting room for a doctor’s appointment  or waiting for a movie to start.  There is nothing really to gain from this ‘book’.

#Single is not recommended.

Thank you to Pantera Press and Lost the Plot for granting me a review copy via NetGalley. I wish I could have given a positive review.

Purchase Link:
Amazon US