Standalone Sunday: A Busy Woman’s Guide to Prayer

Standalone Sunday was started by Megan over at Bookslayer Reads.

What is Standalone Sunday?

Each Sunday bloggers feature a standalone book (one that is not part of a series) that they loved or would recommend. The standalone can also be one you want to read. There is so much focus on books that are part of a series that standalone books seem to be forgotten. They can be just as great as book series!

Here is my selection for this week:

A Busy Woman’s Guide to Prayer

Does the Apostle Paul’s command to “pray without ceasing” make you think, Easy for him to say! He didn’t have my schedule?  Certainly Paul never corralled a houseful of energetic kids on a school day or taught children’s church to three-year-olds.  Never worked full-time, cared for aging parents and juggled multiple responsibilities. So where on earth are women supposed to find the time to fit in a continuous prayer life that is also joyful?

“We can’t make more hours in the day, but we can become more skilled in finding ways to connect with God,” encourages this busy woman.  What does it start with? A clearer vision- of the gift of prayer,the invitation to prayer, the longevity of prayer, and the all-out power of coming to God in the tornado of everyday life.

It is possible to pray more without changing your job description, says author Cheri Fuller. In her personable, transparent way, she shows you hoe to creatively weave prayer through the fabric of your day, even when the busyness distracts you from the need- and joy- of close companionship with your heavenly Father.  With this book, you wont have to wait one more day to lay hold of the vibrant prayer life that is within your reach!

This was a different choice for Standalone Sunday for me.  This is something I am personally working on and I am sure many of us need to as well.  Especially when times get tough, prayer and a relationship with God is very important. This I am also learning.