Tag: camping

Camping, Books, and a Doe!

The hubby and I went camping at McKinney Campground for a couple of days this week.  It was nice to get away, but it was hot!  We won’t camp again in hot weather until one day we can afford a popup camper or better! We are in Georgia, therefore we need air conditioning! We were the only ones there without some sort of camper.

This is our camp site!  It was nice and larger than expected.

Here is the Hubby and I:

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Of course I read:


I finished these two books in the great outdoors.  Reviews will come next week.

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Teasers on the reviews: The Middle Place received 2.5 stars and The Woman in Cabin 10 received 4 Stars. The Woman in Cabin 10 was an audiobook.

It’s a hard life working on reviews while on vacation:


We made a friend while we were camping. A sweet doe! I would call to her and her tail would wag like a dog’s! She was so sweet! She visited us three times in one day!

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Here is a video of one of her visits. She got so close to us!: