Tag: Children’s picture books

Children’s Picture Book Review: What If Bunny’s NOT a Bully?

What If Bunny’s NOT a Bully?
Author: Lana Button

Illustrator: Christine Battuz
Published: March 3, 2020
32 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: March 28, 2020
Jessica’s Rating: 5 stars

Book Description:

Gertie the elephant says everyone on the playground should stay far away from Bunny because she’s super mean. But Kitty has questions: How did Bunny become a bully? Was she born that way? Was she stung by a bullybug? Or maybe she caught the bully flu? Wait, does that mean bullying is contagious? And if it is, couldn’t the other animals catch it, too? But … then no one would play with them either, and that doesn’t seem fair. Is it possible that Bunny is sorry? Should they give her a second chance?

Jessica’s Review:

According to Gertie the elephant, Bunny had apparently always been a bully. Everyone goes along with Gertie and now the kids want nothing to do with Bunny until Kitty comes into the picture.  She questions things such as what made Bunny a bully; she even wonders about   Bunny when she is old: Will she still be a bully? 

In some ways the story becomes a reverse bullying situation with the kids all ganging up on Bunny, until Kitty and her questions come in to play.  Then the kids realize what they themselves are doing to Bunny. 

This is a definitely an important picture book for young children (the book is aimed for ages 3-7) to help them understand the subjects of bullying, inclusion, understanding, empathy, and the ever important second chances.  This ‘reverse bullying’ angle also shows children what it may be like to walk in another person’s shoes.

The illustrations definitely add to the story as they show the emotions the kids are all feeling. Small children who can’t read would definitely get the story from the pictures as the story is being read to them.

Many thanks to the publisher Kids Can Press for granting me a copy to read and review. It was a pleasure!   

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