Tag: Esther Averill

Children’s Book Review: The Fire Cat by Esther Averill

The Fire Cat
Series: The Cat Club

Esther Averill

Illustrator: Esther Averill
First Published: 1960
64 Pages

Reviewed By: Cristina

Book Description:

Pickles the fire cat to the rescue!  Pickles is a young cat with big paws who wishes to do big things with them! When he’s adopted by the local firehouse, Pickles works hard to be a good fire cat. He learns to jump on a fire truck. He learns to help put out a fire, and he even helps out in a rescue. Beginning readers will cheer as Pickles gets his wish and finds something big to do with his paws. With sweet illustrations from author-illustrator Esther Averill, this Level One I Can Read book is perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. Whether shared at home or in a classroom, the short sentences, familiar words, and simple concepts of Level One books support success for children eager to start reading on their own. 

Cristina’s Review:

Pickles is a stray cat who has big paws and no idea what to do with them. His favorite pastime is bullying kittens smaller than himself. But when he finds himself stuck up a tree in a storm, a new friend helps him find a better way to live. Will Pickles do great things with those big paws like his friend hopes he will?

The Fire Cat is a classic beginning reader book. As in, it was Ms. Cristina’s favorite book in first grade! This is a nice book for chapter introduction as well. There is an illustration on each page to encourage readers. Pickles learning to use a fireman’s pole is one of the best! While the story is about a cat becoming a fire cat and working with the fire department, it is also a story with some great Social Emotional Learning opportunities. Homelessness, bullying, kindness and giving someone a chance to prove themselves, self-esteem, community–it’s all there for discussion if you want to use the book in that manner. Otherwise, it’s just a great story for first-third graders. Who am I kidding? I’m an adult and the story still makes me smile!

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