Tag: flash stories

Flash Stories

Flash Stories are exactly that: very short stories that may be a few pages long at most. They can be listed with a word count instead of page numbers. As mentioned in previous posts, I am an admin of the Bookies Facebook page. Every October we have “Authorber Fest”. Everyday in October a chosen author takes over the page for two hours. And in that two hours they get to interact with the fans of the page. Authors can talk about themselves, their books, and maybe even do a giveaway or more! It is always a fun time on the Bookies page!

During this year’s Authorber Fest two authors mentioned their “flash stories” which I got from Amazon. Those two authors and their stories are:

M.R. Pritchard – The Safest City on Earth (Science Fiction)
Jina Bacarr- Virgin Kiss (Coming of Age)

Both flash stories are reviewed below. You can’t really say too much in a review for stories that are this short without giving away the whole story. I did the best I could with these reviews. I enjoyed and recommend both.  Keep in mind when you read them that they are super short!


Author: M.R. Pritchard
450 words

Published: December 20, 2014
Date Read: November 12, 2016

My Rating: 4 Stars

Summary from Amazon:

Two men stand below the safest city on earth. Lore dictates it’s Elysium, the last refuge for what’s left of mankind. But what makes it so safe?

A wicked short read at 450 words

My Review:

This is the first I have read from M.R. Pritchard. I have more of her novels on my kindle that I hope to one day read. This was a very good and short read! I read it in just a few minutes.

It seems like it could be in the middle or the start of a good book. These two men arrive at the outside of a city. I can’t really say much more as the story is so short. I was pulled into this flash fiction and then it ended and I wanted more! I know M.R. Pritchard has thought about continuing it at some point and I hope that at some point she does!

My husband also read it. It seemed like something he would be interested in. When he finished it he said, “Wow” and said it was like a teaser trailer. He would rate it four stars.

**The Safest City on Earth is currently FREE on Amazon.


Author: Jina Bacarr
7 pages

Published: February 10, 2014
Date Read: November 13, 2016

My Rating: 4 Stars

Summary from Amazon:

Riley Murphy is a kissing virgin, waiting for the right guy to come along. Until she joins the Drama Club at Holywell High and has to kiss the class dweeb on stage in front of the whole school on Valentine’s Day.

Virgin Kiss is a very short story…funny and shows how a young woman becomes empowered to stand up for herself.

My Review:

This is a cute, clean short story about a first kiss. There is some humor in this story and I liked Riley. Riley is the narrator and we experience everything from her perspective and feel everything she feels.

I liked Jina Bacarr’s writing style for this short story. I’m not much of a romance reader, which her books are, but I may give more of her writings a chance.