Tag: Karen Brown Tyson

Blog Tour: Time to Refresh

Today I share my review for the devotion Time to Refresh: A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Laid Off, Fired or Sidelined by Karen Brown Tyson. This blog tour comes at the perfect time of year as the holidays can be a hard time of year in the first place  and if you have recently lost your job, you can be challenged even more.

This blog tour is brought to you by WOW! WOMEN ON WRITING TOUR.

Devotion Description:

What happens when some part of your life comes to a screeching halt?

Time to Refresh: A 21- Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Laid Off, Fired or Sidelined, highlights Karen Brown Tyson’s journey through the Bible following one of three layoffs in her life.

Watch how God leads one woman on a 21-day journey through the Bible and teaches her how to G.L.O.W.— gratitude, listen, observe and witness.

Time to Refresh is available to purchase:
Amazon US
Barnes and Noble
Amazon UK

Author: Karen Brown Tyson
Published: August 10, 2018
68 Pages

Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: November 19-25, 2018
Jessica’s Rating: 4 stars

Jessica’s Review:

Time to Refresh is a 21 day devotional that focuses on what to do after being laid off, but it can apply to any difficult time in your life.  Reading this devotional helped me, and I have not been laid off. 

Tyson refers to timeouts throughout the devotion.  Timeouts are a brief suspension of an activity (in the case of this devotion, a job). Tyson shares her personal story of being laid off three times over the course of 25 years.  In each daily devotion, she shares journal entries she wrote to God over the first 21 days of her most recent layoff.

She also focuses on a topic each day and gives an example of each topic from the Bible with verse(s) to read.  She has timeout takeaways, listening, and witness sections. The listening sections are where she wants you to ask God for advice as you pray.

You may see a 21 day devotion and think that is too long, but each day is not super long (including the bible verses suggested).  It also takes 21 days to start a habit and with starting this devotional, it can help to start daily readings of the Bible and devotions.  This devotion can help someone who is struggling through a job loss or any other major life event that may be occurring. 

About the Author:

For the past 25 years, Karen Brown Tyson worked for Fortune 500 companies in the fast food, pharmaceutical, and telecommunication industries. Today, Karen is the founder of Constant Communicators, a lifestyle business that helps people improve their business writing skills. Time to Refresh:  A 21-Day Devotional to Renew Your Mind After Being Laid Off, Fired or Sidelined was released in August 2018.  Karen lives in North Carolina with her husband and son.

Contact Karen:
Twitter @KBTWrites


You can find the whole blog tour here:

November 26th @ The Muffin

What goes better in the morning than a muffin? Grab your coffee and stop by the Muffin blog where you can read an interview with author Karen Brown Tyson and enter to win a copy of her book Time to Refresh.


November 29th @ Bookworm Blog

Be sure to stop by Anjanette’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s guest post on managing career, home, and ministry.


November 29th @ The Frugalista Mom

Visit Rozelyn’s blog where you can read her review of Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


November 30th @ Amateur Twin Mom

Visit Jonelle’s blog to read what she has to say about Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


December 3rd @ Beverley A Baird Blog

Visit Beverley’s blog where Karen Brown Tyson talks about how to improve your writing life.


December 5th @ Break Even Books

Stop by Erik’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about how to build your personal brand.


December 5th @  Jill Sheets Blog

Stop by Jill’s blog today where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about how to improve your writing life.


December 6th @ Beverley A Baird Blog

Visit Beverley’s blog again where she shares her thoughts about Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh. 


December 7th @ Bookworm Blog

Visit Anjanette’s blog again where she interviews author Karen Brown Tyson about her book Time to Refresh.


December 8th @ A Storybook World

Visit Deirdra’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about fearless writing.


December 9th @ Reducing Overload

Stop by Peggy’s blog to read author Karen Brown Tyson’s post about journaling and stress management.


December 13th @ Memoir Writer’s Journey

Visit Kathleen’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about fearless writing.


December 13th @ M.C. Walker’s Blog

Visit M.C. Walker’s blog where she interviews author Karen Brown Tyson about her and her book Time to Refresh.


December 14th @ Strength 4 Spouses

Visit Wendi’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about having faith during difficult times.


December 15th @ Jessica’s Reading Room

Visit Jessica’s blog where you can read her thoughts on Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


December 16th @ 12 Books

Visit Louise’s blog where she shares her opinion on Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


December 18th @ Look to the Western Sky

Visit Margo’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about parenting.


December 20th @ Strength 4 Spouses

Visit Wendi’s blog again where you can read her opinion about Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


December 20th @ The Faerie Review

Visit Lily Shadowlyn’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about journaling.


December 21st @ The World of My Imagination

Visit Nicole’s blog where she shares her thoughts about Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


December 23rd @ Look to the Western Sky

Be sure to stop by Margo’s blog again where you find out what she had to say about Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


December 23rd @ Coffee with Lacey

Visit Lacey’s blog where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about journaling.


December 24th @ Coffee with Lacey

Stop by Lacey’s blog again where she reviews Karen Brown Tyson’s book Time to Refresh.


December 27th @ The Frugalista Mom

Be sure to visit Rozelyn’s blog again where you can read Karen Brown Tyson’s blog post about change management.
