Tag: Tamsen Fadal

Audiobook Review: The New Single by Tamsen Fadal

The New Single: Finding, Fixing and Falling Back in Love With Yourself After a Break-Up or Divorce
Author: Tamsen Fadal

Narrator: Tamsen Fadal
Published: June 30, 2015
Audiobook: 7 hours 5 minutes

Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Listened To: November 25-28, 2024
Jessica’s Rating: 4 stars

Book Description:

Starting over doesn’t have to be so hard.

After the shock of a relationship change it can be tough to get out of bed in the morning, much less be at your best. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With a realistic and proven game plan to help you get where you want to be, The New Single is the essential roadmap to surviving the split-up and starting over, ninety days at a time:

– Embracing the person you are today
– Radiating confidence
– Taking better care of yourself inside and out, from career and finances, to home, health, and fitness
– Avoiding toxic patterns and dangerous missteps

Tamsen Fadal is empathetic and incisive about relationships and breakups: she learned many of the lessons in The New Single the hard way. Now, with candor and humor, she’s sharing her secrets, stories, and sometimes painful lessons.

Jessica’s Review:

This is going to be a bit of a personal review for me.

I never would have pictured that 2024 went the way that it did: My husband telling me something on January 6, 2024 that turned my life upside down. Couples counseling didn’t work and I realized the marriage was over.  Being devastated, I had to start over and with the help of some great friends, I did. I found the apartment that God had meant for me (which is its own short story) and took two of the three cats (apartments only let you have two pets otherwise I would have taken all three). I have started over with my new chapter and I think I am doing pretty good: Yes, I still have times of sadness and I know that will continue, but I am getting better.

I discovered Tamsen Fadal in 2024 talking about her book coming out in 2025: How to Menopause: Take Charge of Your Health, Reclaim Your Life, and Feel Even Better than Before along with her documentary The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause that is out now and I have watched it. I am of ‘that age’ where I am beginning to experience peri-menopause symptoms, so I look forward to her upcoming book and learning what every woman goes through in their life. 

I came across The New Single for free in my Audible account and it is also narrated by Fadal, so I decided to listen to it and it did help me! Everything mentioned in self-help books will not apply to every reader, which includes this one: Everyone is different and goes through their own life changes.  This book is geared towards women who have gone through a breakup of a long-term serious relationship or a divorce, and a lot of it seemed geared for me. I didn’t have children with my ex-husband, so I did skip over the parts where children are mentioned. 

Fadal’s book was written after her divorce and in some ways I identified with her. Her book is meant to help the reader/listener after their particular life change occurs and to empower themselves and learn to love themselves again as they start over. There were good tips and suggestions given to the reader.

This is a great self-help book for those who will need it. And if I could give Fadal a hug I would! 

This review is posting on my site a little more than a month after I wrote it.  It is posting on January 6, 2025, which is one year from when my now ex-husband told me “I love you, but I’m not in love with you” on January 6, 2024.  I’ve come so far from that life changing day and looking forward to what happens next!   If you are going through a hard time like I did, I know it doesn’t feel like it, but it really WILL get better! You will survive it and come out better in the end! It’s a new chapter for you like it was for me.

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