The Safest Lies
The Safest Lies
Author: Megan Miranda
Published: May 24, 2016
Reviewed By: Jessica
Dates Read: November 18-27, 2019
Jessica’s Rating: 2 stars
Book Description:
Can fear be inherited?
Kelsey has lived most of her life in a shadow of fear, raised to see danger everywhere. Her mother hasn’t set foot outside their front door in seventeen years, since she escaped from her kidnappers with nothing but her attacker’s baby growing inside her—Kelsey.
Kelsey knows she’s supposed to keep a low profile for their own protection, but that plan is shattered when she drives off a cliff and is rescued by volunteer firefighter and classmate Ryan Baker.
A few days later, she arrives home to face her greatest fear: her mother is missing. She and her mother have drilled for all contingencies—except this one. Luckily, Ryan is as skilled at emergency rescues as Kelsey is at escape and evasion.
To have a chance at a future, Kelsey will have to face all her darkest fears. Because someone is coming for her.
And the truth about the past may end up being the most dangerous thing of all.
Jessica’s Review:
This one had the making of a 5 star read at the beginning to about a third of the way through. OMG, Kelsey’s mother had lived through a nightmare that changed her whole life… And then Kelsey experiences a terrible car accident and then is saved by someone in her class. Let me keep on reading!
This is not a spoiler as the book description mentions it, but then Kelsey’s mom goes missing. From there the book goes at a snail’s pace and becomes repetitive. The direction it went was not expected or interesting. There are a few reveals and for the most part they were not anything extraordinary. I was shocked a Kelsey’s reaction to a particular reveal: I was expecting the opposite reaction as my mouth dropped with that reveal.
Though it had promise, in the end this one did not work for me.