The Sisterhood by A.J. Grainger
Author: A.J. Grainger
Published: February 12, 2019
320 Pages
Reviewed By: Kim
Kim’s Rating: 4 stars
Book Description:
Seventeen-year-old Lil’s heart was broken when her sister Mella disappeared. There’s been no trace or sighting of her since she vanished, so when Lil sees a girl lying in the road near her house she thinks for a heart-stopping moment that it’s Mella.
The girl is injured and disorientated and Lil has no choice but to take her home, even though she knows something’s not right. The girl claims she’s from a peaceful community called The Sisterhood of the Light, but why then does she have strange marks down her arms, and what—or who—is she running from?
Kim’s Review:
This was a surprise find and am I glad I found it! Ivan told me to go to Barnes and Noble and get myself a book for Valentine’s Day (he had to work so he wasn’t slacking!). The cover is beautiful and the title is interesting so I picked it up and read the synopsis. Omg, there’s a cult!!! I love cults!!!! So I got it and read it in one sitting! It’s simple and easy to read, yet the story is unique and engaging.
I liked Lil a lot; she’s realistic and very teenager-ish without being annoying. I guess the difference is that she wasn’t actively idiotic, she just had some immature thinking. It hurt that she held back from Kiran because of her guilt. But Kiran . . . Love him so much! He’s so cute and sweet and kind and believable and adorable and tall! He’s easily my favorite character in this book. Seven is an interesting little girl that I strangely identified with. Her sheltered upbringing and general cluelessness about the world brought me back to may days right out of college, when real life kicked me in the butt! The Sisterhood of the Light sound like a fascinating cult of all women who venerate the Light. The compound is small, the scope is condensed and I would love to go to Wales to study them. Overall, this was a great read! No swearing, completely appropriate for teens, and a simple, unique thriller plot!
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